Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Garden Hose

The garden hose.

Help Me!

The Fly.


Bo, the Aussie cattle dog.


A red filter was used to create a stark black and white photo.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sierra in duotone1

The veil is a chiffon.

Sierra in duotone2

This is a duotone image of Sierra.


Portrait shot of Sierra taken with a Nikon D2H using a 28-105mm lens.
The shot was save as a RAW file and then edited in Photoshop.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Well, Mr. William Gates as a young man.
Now, the Microsoft co-founder was a rebel!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


I was watching "Stripes" last week, and I remember watching this movie in the
theater. Good movie from the past. It came out in 1981. "THAT'S THE FACTS, JACK!"

This really doesn't have anything to do with the northwest, but John Candy was in this film, and he did a film called, "Volunteers" and his character was named, "Tom Tuttle from Tacoma."

This is great acting and dialogue from Bill Murray in a scene where he is trying to motivate the company into finishing the training and graduate.

We're all very different people.
We're not Watusi.
We're not Spartans.
We're Americans.With a capital A, huh?
You know what that means? Do you?
That means that our forefathers...
...were kicked out of every decent country in the world.
We are the wretched refuse.
We're the underdog.
We're mutts.
- Here's proof. His nose is cold.- So is his brain.
But there's no animal that's more faithful...
...that's more loyal,more loveable than the mutt.
Who saw Old Yeller?
Who cried when Old Yeller got shot at the end?
Nobody cried when Old Yeller got shot? I'm sure.
I cried my eyes out.
So we're all dogfaces.We're all very, very different.
But there is one thing that we all have in common.
We were all stupid enough to enlist in the Army.
We're mutants.
There's something wrong with us,something very, very wrong with us.
Something seriously wrong with us.
We're soldiers,but we're American soldiers.
We've been kicking ass for 200 years!
We're 10 and 1!


Randy took this photo over LAX. Randy is from Tacoma, WA.